For years, VNA has conducted workshops on various aspects of communication and training development. In these workshops, we draw upon our extensive experience with both writing for the business world and with teaching adults how to write and communicate better on the job. Now, we also offer selected topics as well as web-based training modules.

The VNA workshops are frequently updated to reflect changes in technology and the most current issues in the workplace. Our experienced facilitators bring these workshops to your location and can customize them to fit your specific needs.

Topics for both our on-site workshop and web-based modules include:

Web-Based Modules
 • The Business Writer  • The Manager's Writing Kit
 • Clear Technical Writing  • Effective Emails
 • Voiceover Coaching  • Sentence Sense
 • Presentation Design and Delivery  • Get-Ahead Grammar
 • Rapid e-Learning  • Punctuation Punch
 • Mastering Articulate  • Procedure Writing
 • Editing Techniques for Non-Editors   

  Home Page Image
  Our interactive workshops and Web-based modules offer practical skills and techniques that can be applied immediately on the job.











V. Nelson Associates
Avondale Estates, Georgia 30002